
The Guys

Update for The Guys

The Guys was written to be presented without intermission; it should run under 80 minutes, but we’d still suggest you make a visit to the bathrooms right before the show starts, because you’re not going to want to miss a moment of this show.
Secondly, we are offering something new for this show: Talk Back. Because of its content and depth and the degree of work the cast has done, we thought it might be interesting for them and for you to have an opportunity to sit and have a conversation. After each show, we’ll give the cast a few minutes to take a breath and then they’ll come back on stage and sit; members of the audience who want to find out more about the show, the background, the actors’ or director’s work and process, or anything about theater are invited to sit back down and ask the questions that are on their minds. I’ve (Karen) attended a few TalkBacks at Atlanta theaters, and it is always interesting.
Thirdly, since there is no intermission, the church is offering a wonderful new alternative to concessions: starting when our doors open 45 minutes before the show starts (so 6:45 on Friday/Saturday and 1:45 on Sunday), they will provide a Dessert Café: $5 pays for a generous slice of freshly cooked pie (or a double-size brownie!), a beverage, and ice cream. Tables will be set up if you’d like to sit, or there will be chairs set apart from the tables; or you can go to your seats for the show and enjoy these delightful treats there. As always, all money from these sales go toward supporting the Backpack Ministry for the children living at or below the poverty line (many of whom are homeless).


Reminders: *The Guys takes place in New York City, just 2 weeks after the attacks on the Twin Towers and is, except for name changes, a true story.

*ALL THOSE HOLDING TICKETS FOR THE 2020 SEASON ALREADY HAVE SEATS TO THIS SHOW AND THE NOVEMBER SHOW! Please come to the show; and please, if you can’t come, please let us know. We missed a lot of you at Maytag Virgin but we didn’t know you weren’t coming till you just weren’t there. The empty seats were sad, and so were we.

*There are always plenty of seats, even if the reserved seats are sold out. IF YOU ARE GETTING A “SOLD OUT” MESSAGE WHEN YOU TRY TO RESERVE ON LINE, DON’T BELIEVE IT. Call 770-897-1404 and we will set you up. Or come to the door. We are literally NEVER SOLD OUT. We can always put out more chairs! And please go ahead and purchase your seats if you don’t already have them. They are for sale through SeatYourself.biz (link on our website or Facebook page), and by calling the above number.

The Guys Synopsis

It has been less than two weeks since the attacks of September 11, 2001. New Yorkers are in shock and the nation is reeling from their collective trauma. Nick is a New York fire captain who reaches out to a local editor named Joan for help. He has lost most of his men in the attacks on the Trade Center and now is tasked with writing eulogies for their memorial services. Together, they find a way to put the lives and sacrifices of these men into words while also forming a bond of shared grief and love of country. It is a powerful story, one that reaches beyond 9/11 and speaks to our links to each other, the importance of sharing and supporting each other in grief and loss, of compassion, and of grasping the impact of tragedy on us all.

Playwright and journalist Anne Nelson wrote The Guys based on her own experiences that followed the September 11 attacks. The story is presented without intermission as designed by the author (it runs less than 90 minutes) so that the full impact of the show can build without interruption. You will be moved, you will be struck, you will be entranced. We have wanted to produce The Guys for some time but hesitated due to the cast only being made up of two characters. However, as we are coming out of a pandemic and starting to return to normal a show of this size and magnitude seems to be perfect for our return. We also feel that this is the perfect time for The Guys because of the beautiful combination of solemn and uplifting themes. The Guys transcends the events of 9/11 and reminds us of our links to each other and the importance of supporting each other in the face of tragedy, loss, and grief. Deena Seckinger (Joan) and Mike Hubbard (Nick) have loved this show right along with us and are excited to bring it to life for you.

Since there is no intermission, we may have a special pre-show offering to help the church’s Backpack Ministry, more information on that will be provided at a later time.

The 20th anniversary approaches in September.  We all remember; we all know where we were on 9/11; we all had to find a way to understand and deal with it. This story is drawn from real life. You will be in the living room of a journalist as she works hand-in-hand during the immediate aftermath with one of the fire chiefs as he prepared to speak at the funerals for his men. There will only be 6 performances: August 20-22 and 27-29. 7:30 evenings, 2:30 on Sundays. tickets at www.thefrontporchplayers.com/tickets or at 770-897-1404 Remember that all who held season tickets for the 2020 season still have those same seats for the next 2 shows!
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